Friday, June 25, 2010

I guess I am still on my ‘ride’ so I should post to my blog. Well, I hate to disappoint the ‘iron butts’ out there (not like anyone really cares) but I took the day off.
I could whine about being tired, wind whipped and a little sun burned but I can’t. I have had to deal with all those things before and that was just to Laughlin (have you ever been to Laughlin with me?) and those were the least of what I was suffering from on those trips. It wasn’t so much that I wanted to throw the proverbial towel in for a day and rest but the truth would be this place is pretty damn close to perfection. I did post a picture or two of the views from where I am staying. You would take the day off too!
So the bike in now clean, the clothes are washed and the bugs have been removed from all my pairs of sunglasses, it is time to get ready and head out.
Tomorrow I think it is Leadville then Vail, Beaver Creek, Gunnison and Pagosa Springs. That should make for a good day of riding! You know you have riding in your blood when you are sitting on the patio, it is 73 degrees, the sound of wind whipping through the aspens and evergreens are only surpassed by the distant rumble of oncoming thunderstorms and you are sitting with your map planning tomorrows ride.

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